Sunday, January 29, 2006

Movies on Cable: Around the World in 80 Days

Studios:Paramount Pictures, Walt Disney Pictures
Release:June 16, 2004
Genre:Paramount Pictures, Walt Disney Pictures
MPAA Rating:PG for action violence, crude humor, language.

Jackie Chan playing Passepartout in an adaptation of Jules Verne's Around the World in Eighty Days? That is one indication that this film will not be faithful to novel. Passepartout in the novel is French, Passepartout in this movie is Chinese. Both have a shady past though that lend complications to Phileas Fogg's attempt to go around the world in 80 days. Ofcourse, with Jackie Chan in the lead, we get more of mysterious China than mysterious India.

With that out of the way, it is easy to enjoy this film. It is an action - comedy, which is Chan's forte ... and I have loved Jackie Chan movies even before he started working with US studios. To balance the action and retain that Western flavor of the movie lest the audience start feeling they're watching a purely martial arts movie, Steve Coogan plays the clueless Phileas Fogg adorably.

A number of actors make brief appearances in the movie ... like the Wilson brothers, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Rob Schneider playing yet another disgusting character as only he can.

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