Saturday, August 21, 2004

Official Website: J. K. Rowling

Image hosted by Photobucket.comKids and children at heart have a treat going to this site:
  • you have to hunt down certain objects
  • you get Harry Potter trivia when you find said objects
  • you also get certificates for said objects that are saved in your scrapbook - just don't delete the cookies if you want to retain those certificates

Interesting pages are those where Rowling answers questions from fans and reveal certain things about the characters that aren't found in the books. You also get news about the Harry Potter books that are yet to be released.

Take note: Rowling admits to prowling the net to look up websites dedicated to Harry Potter, and even joins some forums. She reveals joining in a discussion to test her ideas ... only for other members to disagree with her. She was using another name ofcourse - as do the rest of us who join forums.

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